The platform brings transparency, efficient trading tools, and precise positions calculations. Post-trade integrations sharply reduce transaction complexity. Clearing at CCP B3.
A platform that offers price transparency and fully electronic post-trade flows, both for directional and basis trades, allowing for high trading scalability. Clearing at Selic (Central Bank).
>>> UNDER CONSTRUCTION Product subject to obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals with Comissão de Valores Mobiliários - CVM
A platform that provides transparency in the trading of debentures, CRAs, and CRIs, with fully electronic post-trade flows (STP) and market data availability. Settlement at Cetip.
>>> UNDER CONSTRUCTION Product subject to obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals with Comissão de Valores Mobiliários - CVM
Odd lots and auctions increase the cost of trading and lead to leakage of precious information. Trading stocks in blocks allows institutional investors to move large positions with a suitable tool, reducing transaction cost. Settlement at CCP B3.