Transparency and efficiency

In fixed income and stock lending, the full market data transparency in our platform provides more efficient price formation, ensuring superior execution.

Scalable gains

With a fully automated process, trade volumes increase while processing costs shrink.
Integration among participants

we provide greater agility in operations by connecting retail platforms, institutional clients, brokers, and custodians in an electronic ecosystem.

and security

We combine the best practices and technologies available globally in a technological solution connected to reliable clearing houses, for the real-time trade capture.
Precision and intelligence

Eliminating rework and human error through front to backoffice integrations and brokers, custodians connectivity. Precise and agile calculations increase control.


State-of-the-art technology designed to allow extensive connectivity. We provide access to market data and drop copies in FIX protocol.

Agility and control

We offer more efficiency managing your stock lending portfolio, with real time detailed information about trades and price references.

We are one of the first Exchanges in the world to trade securities with a cloud infrastructure, ensuring high availability and security.

Best execution and volume boosts

Order books organized in price-time priority.
Transparency correctly adequate to each products is a key ingredient for increasing traded volumes.

Our purpose is to accelerate the development of the financial market
R$ 20bi
Traded Volume
Can the platforms be used by individuals?SL Tools is an Platform, and access for individual customers is always via a broker. Some of the top retail brokers are connected in our fixed income and stock lending environments.
Who guarantees the operations carried out at SL Tools?We operate in the negotiation of assets and contract existing clearings to settle operations and move securities. In fixed income, trades are settled and transacted at the Selic operated by the Central Bank. Private fixed income securities and share rentals are captured by B3's clearing or others licensed by the Central Bank.
What is the platform pricing source?Super Liquid Tools is an independent Platform and is connected to almost 20 brokers and more than 40 managers. This ecosystem contributes offerings on the platform.
How much does it cost to join the platform?We do not charge to make the technology available, nor monthly fees. We are compensated by trading fees. In products connected to CCP B3, the billing is collected in the same billing flow. In transactions without a CCP, fees are charged at transaction intermediaries (brokerage houses or banks). The end customer price for operations is net of this fee.
How does the membership process work?Brokers and managers can contact our team via email atendimento@sltools.com.br and schedule a demonstration of the platform. After signing the contract, we schedule training and provide access.
What electronic integrations are available?Integrations can happen in files or through electronic connectivity. We already provide standard files that can be consumed to streamline internal processes. The trading and supply of market data are in FIX protocol. Some services we build, such as calculators and custodian integrations, may use other protocols.